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Academic Standards

All Collegiate Academy students are expected to lead the CHS student body in academics. Any student whose grade falls below a C or whose GPA falls below a 3.0 will be placed on Academic Watch for a semester. During this time, students are expected to raise their grades accordingly. If students do not follow through with academic expectations, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. At the end of the probationary semester, membership will be reassessed. If the reason for the probation has been corrected, you will be reinstated as a member in good standing. If the reason for the probation has not been corrected, you will be dismissed from the Collegiate Academy. If you are on probation more than once or in more than one area (academics, extra-curricular, discipline,) you will be dismissed from the Collegiate Academy.

Behavior Standards

Students in the Collegiate Academy are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Maury County Public Schools Students Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code of Conduct, in which disciplinary action is taken by CHS administration, will result in a minimum of one semester of Disciplinary Probation. At the end of the probationary semester, membership will be reassessed by the faculty Discipline Council. If there have not been any additional violations of the Student Code of Conduct resulting in disciplinary action, you will be reinstated as a member in good standing. If additional violations of the Student Code of Conduct resulting in disciplinary action have occurred, you will be dismissed from the Collegiate Academy.

Extra-Curricular Standards

Students in the Collegiate Academy are expected to complete 20 extra-curricular hours each year. These can be acquired through clubs, athletics, and/or community service. If a student fails to meet the extra-curricular expectations, he or she will be placed on one semester of Probation. At the end of the probationary semester, membership will be reassessed. If there have not been any additional violations and the extra-curricular requirements have been satisfied, you will be reinstated as a member in good standing. If the extra-curricular requirements have not been met, you will be dismissed from the Collegiate Academy.



Students wishing to be removed from the Collegiate Academy program should email the committee chair, Mrs. Davis, The student will receive a form they must fill out stating the reason(s) they wish to be removed from the program and return the form to Mrs. Davis. The student must come before the Collegiate Academy committee and explain to them why the student is wishing to get out of the program. It is ultimately left up to the committee as to whether the student will be removed from the Collegiate Academy program.

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